Everything for sale…
do not say it is
selfish – it is
everyman for himself
in this prison
this broke down heart
knows too well the clanging
and crashing towards
breaking free
if I am not for me
who can I be for
and who will be for me?
not me, I am not
for me and I cannot
be for you.
do not say look
on the brighter side
to someone so shrouded
in darkness – that abyss
swallows you whole
there is no light to look upon
nothing but pitch blackness
that space drowns out
everything but a cold
hollow emptiness the echo
takes so long to reverberate
it’s easy to be mistaken
for a moment someone else
is there someone hears
these cries and weeps
for this darkness too but no
it is only a mirage the cries
are my own from
so long ago I can’t even
remember when.
do not say the only way
from down is up
when you are down so low
lay your head upon those rocks
and dig your hands into that
thick sweet earth feel
how easy your bones sink
to the bottom as if returning home
lay down low in those arms
and listen here you will learn
how we are all made
of sticks and stones and one day
we will all be reduced to rubble
be rock be bottom
be ground lay down low
let go crumble.