The Greenhouse Project

The Greenhouse Project is an interactive installation that traveled around the country to several art festivals over the summer of 2007.  I was inspired by the theme for Burning Man 2007, the Green Man, and wanted to create an installation appropriate to the richness of that concept.  The Greenhouse attempts to help viewers more fully understand themselves as part of nature.  I believe that when we achieve a more integrated and authentic sense of self, we come to care, by extension, for the wellbeing of our human communities, other creatures, natural resources, and the planet.  When we act out of a place of center, balance, and wholeness, we have an instinctive sense of the right and the good, and all we do becomes that.  The installation attempts to waken people up to that understanding, to recognize those who are already awake, and to expand our collective capacity to experience that awareness and put it in action. When we awaken to the fact that we are collaborators with nature, we are more effective in initiating and sustaining beneficial change in our world.

Making Experience Art.

The Greenhouse Project, mixed media and found objects, 7’x6’x8′, 2007